
The Hugo Boss outlet store in Metzingen is still the best outlet in Baden-Württemberg, even if the Ritter Sport Factory gets more local attendance.

Hugo Boss store opening hours are extended:

Mo. – Fr. von 10:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Samstag von 08:00 bis 20:00 Uhr

Outlet Fabrikverkauf
Kanalstraße 6-8,
12 und 18
72555 Metzingen

Ritter Sport is closer to Stuttgart, but it’s worth doing both in one day. Ritter Sport is also selling chocolate on many holidays and Sundays, too.

Alfred-Ritter-Straße 27
71111 Waldenbuch
Info-Telefon: 0 71 57 / 97-704
Telefax: 0 71 57 / 97-709
E-Mail: schokoladen@ritter-sport.de

Öffnungszeiten SCHOKOSHOP:
Mo-Fr 8.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, Sa 9.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
An ausgewählten Sonn- und Feiertagen geöffnet.
(Geschlossen am Pfingstsonntag, Karfreitag, Ostersonntag, Ostermontag, 1. Mai, 24. bis 26. Dezember, 31. Dezember, sowie 1. und 6. Januar)

Mo-Fr 8.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, Sa 9.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
So 11.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
(Geschlossen am Pfingstsonntag, Karfreitag, Ostersonntag, Ostermontag, 1. Mai, 24. bis 26. Dezember, 31. Dezember, sowie 1. und 6. Januar)

Öffnungszeiten SCHOKOWERKSTATT Waldenbuch:
Geöffnet ist die RITTER SPORT SCHOKOWERKSTATT von Dienstag bis Sonntag. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter 0 71 57 / 97-704

Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter
Alfred-Ritter-Straße 27
71111 Waldenbuch

Telefon: 0 71 57 / 5 35 11-0

Öffnungszeiten MUSEUM RITTER:
Dienstag – Sonntag, 11 – 18 Uhr
Montag geschlossen.

Informationen und Reservierungen MUSEUMS CAFÈ:
Alfred-Ritter-Straße 27
71111 Waldenbuch
Telefon: 0 71 57 / 53 81 69

Täglich von 9-20 Uhr

Trip to Franken

Franken is the northern part of Bavaria (certain people claim that they are actually independent, and don’t like the influence of the Bavarians) and that’s where my in-laws live.

I recently visited them in the area called Fränkisches Schweiz, and we saw the local county fair. Here’s a link to another blog of mine, where I describe it more in depth.

To go to this part of Franken from Stuttgart, it’s about a 2.5 hour drive. We usually go for a weekend. There are nice hiking trails and good beer and good bratwurst.

Here’s the tourist link to the area.

I’m experimenting with Google Maps, and created my own map, showing quilting fabric stores in the area. I also marked some stores which have mostly fashion fabrics, but also stock quilting fabrics.

Here’s the link, let me know if it doesn’t work.

Where to eat in August

So we thought pizza would be good tonight, maybe with a DVD to watch as well.

So we called our old standby, Da Pippo in Dagersheim. No answer.

Then König. Again, no answer. This August vacation period finds many stores and restaurants closed.

Reluctantly we decided to pull on some presentable clothes and head into Böblingen.

When we want good Italian in this town, we head to Da Alfredo. In the Breite Gasse, you walk a few steps along a pedestrian walkway. It’s soothing as well as peaceful. Right in the middle of the block is Da Alfredo.

The proprietress knows us be sight, although she has in her head that we only speak English and she always greets us thusly. However, by the time we’ve ordered, she’s recognized that Dear Hubby is native German, and we switch back.

Food? Good and moderate prices. English is no issue.

Tonight we had salads, a gorgonzola pizza and a lasagna. All quite tasty, washed down with weizen beer and rose´ wine. Tasty rolls too.

One of the best things is they serve till 11.30 evenings.

Give it a try sometime. Da Alfredo

It’s certainly been hotter than normal recently. Here’s my favorite website for tracking the weather. I like it because it always gives the lowest temperatures, LOL.

Wetter Stuttgart

Here are a few things to entertain you in the long winter months.


View European porcelain at the Ceramics Museum at the Ludwigsburg Schloss. All of the big manufacturers are represented. Special tour in German of the development of porcelain art on Sunday, January 11 at 14.00. You must reserve at 07171182004.


A special trip of the Ulmer historical train Schneeflocke on February 14 from Stuttgart to Thüringen. They’ll travel over Ludwigsburg, Würzburg and Schweinfurt, and more.  See http://www.schnellzuglok.de/ for details.


After a visit to the Kloster Bebenhausen, go nearby to visit several high-quality artisans, right in the middle of picturesque Bebanhausen. Address is 19 Schönbuchstraße.  These women have created an array of better jewelry, gold, art and home decor items. Gorgeous stuff.
Open Thursdays 15-18, Fri-Sat from 14-18.

Looking for some help in finding nice places to visit in the Stuttgart region? Start at the i-Punkt for Kulturfahrten (culture trips).


(No English page yet for this feature)

The culture tours are structured by 3 pillars:

  • Excursions and lectures by Gunter Haug on regional and historical topics
  • Day trips in the area
  • Trips further afield combined with cultural activities

Worth stopping by the Stuttgart information office, right across from the Hauptbahnhof.

The German government has the following plan to protect its citizens from the worst of the economic downturn.

The main points are listed below.

  • Private use of craftsmen allows for a tax bonus of 1200 Euro instead of the current 600 Euro.
  • CO2 renovation in public buildings is increased to 3 billion Euro.
  • Businesses get improved write-offs for taxes.
  • Mid-size companies can benefit from improved credit access
  • Roads will be improved to the tune of 2 billion Euro.
  • Communities get credit for infrastructure improvements
  • Raises are coming in Kindergeld, Kinderfreibetrag and Wohngeld, as well as a reduction in the cost of unemployment insurance.


A tiny moated castle in Holzgerlingen, Burg Kalteneck is the site of a wonderful arts and crafts show. All items are for sale, and the artists are all high-quality. Jewelry, quilts, wreaths, sculpture, painting, silk, and more.

It’s all very Christmassy. I particularly enjoyed the jewelry, and am seriously considering buying a piece or two. I did already purchase a unique silk shawl, and there are many Christmas decorations available as well.

The master goldsmith, Katharina Weisser, is showing fabulous and wearable collection of gold and silver jewelry. The black diamonds were amazing!

Showing is Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11.00-18.00. Open from 16 November to 30 November. But get there early so you have the best selection.

Burg Kalteneck: http://www.keichel.com/ausflug/baden_wuerttemberg/kalteneck.html

Goldschmiede Weisser: http://www.goldschmiede-weisser.de/impressum.html

Mushroom season is over. It was good while it lasted, and we kept thinking it would end, but another few days of rain and sunshine kept the season going for quite a while.